Love is an ineffable, polymorphous, even extra-dimensional phenomenon; Simultaneously aesthetic and ethereal.
It does not give itself to dissection; there can be no analysis of it, no deconstruction.
All that is left is dialogue, and reflection. The former occurs when love is present, the latter after the fact.
In consideration of the above, the latter half of the piece is an attempt to interrogate the notion of love via scenario. In spite of the story devoting itself fully to the examination of our relationship with love, the characters do little to actually question love’s existence; rather they were appeared self-involved and unidirectional.
On the other hand, the interpretive dance portion brimmed with self-expression, self-reflection, and expressed a multi-dimensional dialogue on the notions of self, love, and the other.
Love is not solely expressed through any particular medium; it just is, much like the performers were when they were dancing with and around one another in the first segment.