Having existed for 8 years, G.T.C.’s performance cannot be considered a nascent effort. While the performance suffered from several mishaps and coordination issues (nothing which could not be fixed with a little bit more practice), it still managed to project a festive, celebratory atmosphere not easily felt in Taipei.
The atmosphere I’m describing is one that is honest, unassuming, and unpretentious. While Taipei is a city brimming with creativity, design, innovation, and creation, in my experience I’ve rarely been able to say it’s equally cultivating of such open and carefree delight as that experienced on stage on Sunday.
Cross-generational gaiety, freedom of body, mind and expression were aesthetic themes present in the performance that, while perhaps not evident of traditional Capoeira, ultimately served as the ideal mechanism for enveloping the audience in the spirit of cross-cultural celebration and amalgamation. While the dance moves didn’t bring to mind the disciplined Brazilian capoeira dance that can be found on YouTube or elsewhere in Pop Culture, that wasn’t the point. The goal was cultural transfusion along with guiltless fun, and for both the audience and the performers this was a tangible success.