
Biáu Biáu Tsè Tsok


Chinese, English



Key Words

anus, sex, gender, health, Stockholm syndrome?


60 Mins

Ticket Price


Discount Promotion

✓ 20% off: Early Birds, taking off June 16.

✓ Two-Ticket Set: NT$1,069.

✓ 10% off: students (with valid student id while entering), OPENTIX members, OPENTIX-cooperated credit cards holders, Eslite members.

✓ 50% off, with valid id or certification while entering: people with disabilities along with one attendant each (required entering together), senior citizens older than 65 years old.

✓ To9ether Package Discount is appliable.

Tickets My List

In some specific angles,
you and I are 1:1 large.

But I get in your way as if they see me instead of you,
as if you're still undergoing your incapacity.

Why, should I educate my anus?

Biáu Biáu Tsè Tsok

Biáu Biáu, meaning water being wide, loud, and without borders. Biáu Biáu Tsè Tsok sees art and administration as the core and develops non-border energy and creativity like water, invites talents from field to field into our confluence to make good arts together.


Writer, Director, Actor|Mojo Woo
Producer, Photographer|Kueh Hong Phîng
Lighting Design|Lin Ping Hsin
Costume Design|Tim Chao
Executive Producer|Elena Na
Graphic Design|Xie Ya Chun

Ticket Contact Detail

Kueh Hong Phîng/0972734609/


The performance may include adult themes, adult activity, hard language, intense or persistent violence, sexually-oriented nudity, drug abuse or other elements. Strobe lights, fog and smoke will also be used during this performance.

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